It is a great way to earn money. Ebay has given the average “Joe” the ability to make a lot of money. You can make a pretty penny from the stuff you have accumulated over the years and clean out your attic at the same time. Sounds like a great way, guys, to make your woman happy: Rehabilitate the garage, and make sure you use some of that money to get her something nice. Sounds like a fantastic plan.

Enter Uncle Sam: Doesn’t it seem like every time you have a great idea, here comes the government to take a huge chunk of your hard earned cash! Well, the only sure things are still death and taxes, so make sure you are educated and prepared for your “Uncle” when he shows up.

Nick Vulich has authored a great resource:

eBay Bookkeeping Made Easy: eBay Selling Made Easy

Click here and listen to a preview

eBay Bookkeeping Made Easy is a primer for online sellers.

It will help you tame the beast, so you can stop juggling receipts, tax forms, and the fear of IRS audits.

The audiobook is something like an Online MBA in short simple bytes.


  • Demystify accounting
  • Give you the lowdown on business terms you need to know
  • Help you tame the monster that is GoDaddy Bookkeeping
  • Help you manoeuver through the maze of taxes, business licenses, and common business deductions

If you’ve ever wondered whether you could take the home office deduction, claim mileage expenses for using your car in business, considered deducting a new computer, iPad, or iPhone, or thought about writing off your next vacation as a buying trip. Don’t worry! We’re going to cover it all.

And, if you sell across multiple platforms, we’ve got you covered there, too. eBay Accounting Made Easy applies to Amazon and Etsy sellers, too.

Pick up your copy today, and learn how to grow your business – one number at a time!

Check out my other titles at:

My brother, Jeff, has a very interesting blog called “Daggers of the Mind”. He takes the quotes of Celebrities and gives his take and wisdom on each one. Check it out here. 



Last week, we talked about how to write your book. You’ve probably started thinking about the money coming in. Then it hits you—-after I finish writing this, how do I get it out to the public? The conventional way is to send it off to publishers and see if they will take on your book, put it in print, and send you an advance against the sales of your book. It has been done this way for years. The problem is, do you want to wait a year or more to get the book out — after the time it takes to find a publisher? Many great writers have submitted their first book to dozens, if not hundreds of publishers before the first book is printed. you have to have a skin as tough as a rhinoceros to handle all the rejection letters you will receive.

Now, in the internet age, you can have your book published in as little as a month if you know the right ways to do it.

Kindle Cash System: How to Publish Your Book on CreateSpace, Babelcube, Smashwords, Audible, Google Play, & Kobo written by Nick Vulich, is a click by click way to conquer many of the internet sites to get you book out to the public.

Click here to hear a sample

Here is what the author says:

Do you want to know the secret to selling more books?

It’s a no brainer. Make them available through more channels.

Too many authors look at Kindle as the final destination for their books. They’re so caught up in optimizing their book for Amazon, running KDP Free Days, Countdown Deals, and cycling prices that they forget – millions of people have never bought a Kindle book, let alone any kind of eBook.

It’s true – Amazon is the big kid on the block. The best estimates are they have 65% of the eBook market in the United States.

But if I understand math, that still leaves 35% of American book lovers who enjoy their eBooks served up in a different flavor.

Can you afford to pass that audience by?

Apple’s iStore is the second-biggest eBook market in the world. Kobo is a major force in Canada, and many other countries. Barnes and Noble still holds over 15% of the eBook market.

And, before we forget – many people still like their books served up the old way – as paperbacks they can flip through, and fold the corners, and scribble notes all over.

There are millions of people who would rather listen to a book than read it. If you don’t have your book listed with ACX, you’re missing out on millions of possible listeners who shop on Audible, Amazon, and in the iStore.

Don’t believe me? Consider this, my first month on ACX I sold over 200 audiobooks. That’s with four titles available. Within the next month I expect to have 22 titles available as audio books, and close to 500 sales a month.

And, all it cost me was a simple fiver to create the cover for each audiobook.

Kindle Cash System walks you step-by-step through setting up and publishing your book on Create Space, SmashWords, Barnes and Noble, Audible (ACX), Babelcube, and Google Play and Google Books.

So, Check out this resource and get that book into the people’s hands (and ears).

To see other audiobooks narrated by Paul Holbrook, Go to

If you would like a free copy of any of my audiobooks, please email me at:

I will send you a code to get a free copy!